"; } mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/AutoLoader.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/Solr/Service.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/Solr/Solr_Search.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/_solovn/sololib.php'; if (MEMCACHE_ON) { CGlobal::$memcache_server = $memcache_server; } $server_list = false; if (MEMCACHE_ON) { $server_list = eb_memcache::do_get('server_list'); } if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } if ($server_list === false) { $server_list = array(); $server_list_str = DB::fetch("SELECT conf_val from setting where conf_key='server_list'", 'conf_val'); if ($server_list_str) { $server_list = unserialize($server_list_str); } if (MEMCACHE_ON) eb_memcache::do_put('server_list', $server_list, 86400); } // js version $eb_version = eb_memcache::do_get('eb_version'); if ($eb_version) { CGlobal::$version = $eb_version; } else { eb_memcache::do_put('eb_version', TIME_NOW); } CGlobal::$js_ver = CGlobal::$version; CGlobal::$css_ver = CGlobal::$version; //end js version if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } CGlobal::$my_server = $server_list; CGlobal::$img_server = $img_server; CGlobal::$img_ftp_server = $img_ftp_server; CGlobal::$img_server_extra = $img_server_extra; if (preg_match('/enbac([0-9]+).todo.vn/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $match)) { CGlobal::$site = $match[1]; // die('1'); } if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } unset($memcache_server, $server_list, $img_server, $img_ftp_server); if (isset($_REQUEST['trigger']) && (int)$_REQUEST['trigger'] == 1) { EBArrCache::del_cache(); EBCache::auto_delete(); StaticCache::delCache(); EnBac::del_page_cache(); exit; } if (empty($_COOKIE)) { CGlobal::$cityRequire = false; } /*$is_search_engine_array = array("Google", "Fast", "Slurp", "Ink", "Atomz", "Scooter", "Crawler", "MSNbot", "Poodle", "Genius"); $is_search_engine = 0; foreach($is_search_engine_array as $key => $val){ if(strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $val)) $is_search_engine++; }*/ if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'error') { define('ERROR_PAGE', 1); } else { define('ERROR_PAGE', 0); } if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } if (!EnBacLib::is_search_engine() && !defined('NO_SESSION') && !ERROR_PAGE) { if (SESSION_TYPE == 'db') { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/session.class.php';//Session db store } elseif (SESSION_TYPE == 'memcache') { require_once(ROOT_PATH . "includes/memcache.session.php");//Session memcache store } else { session_start(); } } define('JOB_DOMAIN', 'enbacjob.todo.vn'); $webRoot = str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . (dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) : '')); $webRoot .= $webRoot[strlen($webRoot) - 1] != '/' ? '/' : ''; $webRoot = preg_replace('`/.*`', '', $webRoot) . '/'; if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } if (HTTPS_ENABLE == 1 && (User::is_enbac_team() || _isPageRequireHttps()) && ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != JOB_DOMAIN)) { define('WEB_ROOT', 'https://' . $webRoot); define('HTTP_VAR', 'https'); } else { define('WEB_ROOT', 'https://' . $webRoot); define('HTTP_VAR', 'https'); } if (HTTPS_ENABLE == 1) { define('WEB_ROOT_HTTPS', 'https://' . $webRoot); } else { define('WEB_ROOT_HTTPS', 'http://' . $webRoot); } if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } $list_plaza_server ['beta.enbac.com'] = 'plaza.enbac.todo.vn'; $list_plaza_server ['enbac.com'] = 'nemo.vn'; $list_plaza_server ['dev.enbac.com'] = 'dev.ebplaza.vn'; $list_plaza_server ['ebonline.enbac.com'] = 'ebonline.ebplaza.vn'; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (isset($list_plaza_server[$host])) { define('WEB_ROOT_EB', '//' . $host . '/'); define('WEB_ROOT_PLAZA', '//' . $list_plaza_server[$host] . '/'); } elseif (in_array($host, $list_plaza_server)) { foreach ($list_plaza_server as $k => $v) { if ($host == $v) { define('WEB_ROOT_EB', '//' . $k . '/'); define('WEB_ROOT_PLAZA', '//' . $v . '/'); } } } else { define('WEB_ROOT_EB', WEB_ROOT); define('WEB_ROOT_PLAZA', WEB_ROOT . 'Plaza-thoi-trang/'); } define('CPC_URL', WEB_DIR . EBRewrite::formatUrl("?page=cpc_ad")); if (isset($_GET['type'])) { CGlobal::$curItemType = (int)$_GET['type']; } // Disable ALL magic_quote if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || 1 == 1) { function stripslashes_deep($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : (EnBacLib::cleanXssAndSqlInjection($value)); return $value; } $_REQUEST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_REQUEST); $_GET = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_GET); $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE); } EnBacLib::getProvinces();//Get all Provinces if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } if (!ERROR_PAGE) { //get all config //EnBacLib::get_config(); //Get all Categories if (isset($_GET['bds_prid'])) { $bds_prid = (int)$_GET['bds_prid']; if (isset(CGlobal::$provinces[$bds_prid]) && CGlobal::$provinces[$bds_prid]) { /*CGlobal::$curBdsCity = $bds_prid; EnBacLib::my_setcookie('bds_prid',$bds_prid,time()+3600*24*365);*/ Area::setProvince($bds_prid); } if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], WEB_ROOT) !== 0) { $request_refer = WEB_ROOT; } else { $request_refer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } Url::redirect_url($request_refer); } if (isset($_GET['province_id'])) { $province_id = $_GET['province_id']; if ((isset(CGlobal::$provinces[$province_id]) && CGlobal::$provinces[$province_id]) || (isset(CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($province_id)]['id']) && CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($province_id)]['id']) ) { if (isset(CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($province_id)]['id']) && CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($province_id)]['id']) { $province_id = CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($province_id)]['id']; } //Fix theo yêu cầu của CSKH miền nam CGlobal::$curCity = $province_id; //Area::setProvince($province_id); } } if (isset($_GET['set_city']) && $_GET['set_city'] == 1) { Area::setProvince(CGlobal::$curCity); } if (isset($_GET['cityid'])) { $proName = $_GET['cityid']; $pos = strrpos($proName, "-"); //Nếu tên shop ko có dấu - thì là chọn tỉnh thành if ($pos !== false) { if (isset(CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($proName)])) { if (!isset($_COOKIE["province_id"]) || (CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($proName)]['id'] != $_COOKIE["province_id"])) { $province_id = CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($proName)]['id']; Area::setProvince($province_id); } } /*elseif(isset(CGlobal::$allZones)){ // die(System::debug(CGlobal::$allZones)); foreach(CGlobal::$allZones as $k=>$v){ if(strtolower($v['ebname'])==strtolower($proName)) { CGlobal::$curZone=$v; break; } } }*/ else { Url::redirect_url(WEB_ROOT); } } else { Url::redirect_url(WEB_ROOT); } /* if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] , WEB_ROOT) == 0) { System::debug($_SERVER); echo CGlobal::$curZone; $request_refer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; exit; Url::redirect_url($request_refer); } */ } if (!CGlobal::$curCity && isset($_COOKIE['province_id'])) { CGlobal::$curCity = (int)$_COOKIE['province_id']; } if (!(isset($_COOKIE['province_id']) && $_COOKIE['province_id']) && isset($_SESSION['province_id']) && $_SESSION['province_id']) { CGlobal::$curCity = (int)$_SESSION['province_id']; } if (isset($_GET['province_id'])) { if (isset(CGlobal::$provinces_name[strtolower($_GET['province_id'])])) { CGlobal::$cityName = $_GET['province_id']; } } if (!CGlobal::$curBdsCity && isset($_COOKIE['bds_prid'])) { CGlobal::$curBdsCity = (int)$_COOKIE['bds_prid']; } if (!CGlobal::$curBdsCity && isset($_SESSION['bds_prid'])) { CGlobal::$curBdsCity = (int)$_SESSION['bds_prid']; } CGlobal::$curArea = Area::getArea(CGlobal::$curCity); EnBacLib::getCats(); #region @disable cate and ZONE disable toàn bộ các cate và zone khác ngoài oTO =>todo: cần tối ưu lại sau foreach (CGlobal::$allZones as $key => $val) { if ($key != 5) { // unset(CGlobal::$allZones[$key]); } } foreach (CGlobal::$allMenuZones as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, CGlobal::$cate_oto)) { // unset(CGlobal::$allMenuZones[$key]); } } foreach (CGlobal::$allCategories as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, CGlobal::$cate_oto)) { // unset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$key]); } if (($val['lv2'] > 0 || $val['lv3'] > 0) && in_array($val['parent_id'], CGlobal::$cate_oto) && !in_array($val['parent_id'], CGlobal::$cate_oto_layout2)) { unset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$key]); } if (in_array($key, CGlobal::$cate_oto) && !in_array($key, CGlobal::$cate_oto_layout2)) { unset(CGlobal::$allSubCate[$key]); } } //System::debug(CGlobal::$allCategories); #endregion @disable cate and ZONE $zone_id = Url::get('zone_id'); if ($zone_id == 23 && isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 'zone') { $_REQUEST['page'] = 'zone_23'; } //if((isset($_GET['category_id']) && $_GET['category_id']) || (isset($_GET['zone_id']) && $_GET['zone_id']) || (Url::get("page","home") == 'home')){ if (isset($_GET['category_id']) && $_GET['category_id']) { //EnBacLib::getCats(); if (isset($_GET['category_id']) && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[(int)$_GET['category_id']]) && CGlobal::$allCategories[(int)$_GET['category_id']]) { CGlobal::$curCategory = (int)$_GET['category_id']; } } if (isset($_GET['href_city'])) { if (CGlobal::$curCategory) { $href = EnBacLib::getCateLink(CGlobal::$curCategory, CGlobal::$curCity); } else { if (CGlobal::$curZone) { $href = CGlobal::$provinces[CGlobal::$curCity]['name'] . '/' . CGlobal::$curZone['eb_name']; } else { $href = CGlobal::$provinces[CGlobal::$curCity]['name']; } } Url::redirect_url($href); } if (!User::is_login()) { if (isset($_COOKIE['enbac_id']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) { User::check_cookie_login($_COOKIE['enbac_id'], $_COOKIE['password']); } else { EnBacLib::my_setcookie('enbac_id', "", TIME_NOW - 3600); EnBacLib::my_setcookie('password', "", TIME_NOW - 3600); } if (isset($_COOKIE['c_province_district'])) { if (EnBacLib::CheckCookieLogin($_COOKIE['c_province_district'])) { $partCookie = base64_decode($_COOKIE['c_province_district']); $partCookie = explode(":", $partCookie); $user = User::getByUserName($partCookie[0]); User::LogIn($user); } else { EnBacLib::my_setcookie('c_province_district', "", TIME_NOW - 3600); } } } else { if (isset($_GET['login_as']) || isset($_GET['login_as_id'])) { if (User::is_admin()) { $user_id = (int)Url::get('login_as_id', 0); $user = array(); if ($user_id) { $user = User::getUser($user_id); } else { $user_name = EnBacLib::getParam('login_as'); if ($user_name != '') { $user = User::getByUserName($user_name); } } if ($user) { if (User::is_root()) { //Check root k cho login as của nhau if (!User::is_root($user)) { User::LogIn($user); } } else { //Không cho admin login của nhau if (!User::is_admin($user)) { User::LogIn($user); } } } } Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('login_as', 'login_as_id'))); } } } $proName = CGlobal::$provinces[CGlobal::$curCity]['name']; $at = ""; if (CGlobal::$curCity) { $at = "tại"; } CGlobal::$province_name = " $at $proName"; /*Assign template*/ //Title mac dinh cho website CGlobal::$website_title = "ÉnBạc.com"; $curCat = (int)Url::get('cat_id', 0); //Chuyên trang mua bán tổng hợp hàng trăm nghìn sản phẩm thời trang, mỹ phẩm, điện tử, ô tô, nội thất mỗi ngày. Sàn giao dịch TMĐT chính thức của Vccorp CGlobal::$keywords = 'Thời trang nam, thời trang nữ, mua bán, thời trang, điện thoại, máy tính, kỹ thuật số, ô tô, xe máy, đồ gia dụng, nội thất, bất động sản'; if ($curCat > 0) { CGlobal::$meta_desc = CGlobal::$allCategories[$curCat]['name'] . ' - ' . 'Mạng mua bán, đấu giá trực tuyến ' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$curCat]['name'] . '.Thông tin sản phẩm cập nhật từng phút với hàng nghìn người tham gia mỗi giờ, Website mua bán, đấu giá lớn nhất Việt Nam'; } else { CGlobal::$meta_desc = (CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]["name"] ? CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]["name"] . ' - ' : '') . 'Chuyên trang mua bán tổng hợp hàng trăm nghìn sản phẩm thời trang, mỹ phẩm, điện tử, ô tô, nội thất mỗi ngày. Sàn giao dịch TMĐT chính thức của Vccorp ' . CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]["description"] . ''; } //Tiền tệ: CGlobal::$currency = array('1' => 'VNĐ');//CGlobal::$currency = array('1'=>'VNĐ','2'=>'$','3'=>'€');//'3'=>'€'); if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } register_shutdown_function(array("DB", "close")); register_shutdown_function(array("EnBacLib", "ftp_image_close")); register_shutdown_function(array("EnBacLib", "log_slow")); global $display; $display = new EBDisplay(); if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { echo __FILE__ . __LINE__ . "
"; } if (User::is_login()) define("EB_GOLD", (int)User::$current->data['gold']); else define("EB_GOLD", 0); if (!in_array($_GET['page'], array('list_fashion', 'detail_fashion', 'home_fashion', 'order_new', 'post_item_fashion'))) { Item::getBiddingVipConfig(); } /*NGANNV REWRITE điện máy mới*/ if (isset($_GET['cid']) && $_GET['cid']) { /*Tạm thời đang xử lý trong Module header*/ } if (isset($_GET['kbug'])) { System::debug(CGlobal::$curZone); echo "session"; System::debug($_SESSION); echo "GET"; System::debug($_GET); echo "post"; System::debug($_POST); echo "SERVER"; die(System::debug($_SERVER)); } define('TOKEN', User::getToken()); if (isset($_GET["abug"])) { define('ADV_OFF', (int)(boolean)$_GET["abug"]); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['abug']) && intval($_SESSION["abug"]) > 0) { define('ADV_OFF', 1); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["abug"]) && intval($_REQUEST["abug"]) > 0) { define('ADV_OFF', 1); } else { define('ADV_OFF', 0); } if (!defined('ADV_OFF')) { define('ADV_OFF', 0); } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'eb_ads.php') !== false || ADV_OFF || (isset($_GET['page']) && (in_array($_GET['page'], array('post_item')) || ($_GET['page'] == 'personal' && isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'gallery')))) { define('ADMICRO_ON', 0); define('EB_ADS_OFF', 1); } else { define('EB_ADS_OFF', 0); if (Mobile_Detect::getInstance()->isTablet()) { define('ADMICRO_ON', 0);//1 } else { define('ADMICRO_ON', 1); } } EnBacLib::check_uri(); if (!isset($_GET['forData']) || $_GET['forData'] != 1) { if (User::is_login()) { if (User::is_enbac_team() && HTTPS_ENABLE && !_isHttps()) { Url::redirect_url(str_replace('///', '/', WEB_ROOT_HTTPS . '/' . CGlobal::$request_uri), 302, 0); } if (!HTTPS_ENABLE && _isHttps()) { Url::redirect_url(str_replace('///', '/', 'http://' . $webRoot . '/' . CGlobal::$request_uri), 302, 0); } } else { if (_isHttps()) { if ($_REQUEST['page'] != 'sign_out'){ // Url::redirect_url(str_replace('///', '/', 'http://' . $webRoot . '/' . CGlobal::$request_uri), 302, 0); } } } } //check nếu là admin mà không dùng link https thì redirect về https if (!_isHttps() && HTTPS_ENABLE == 1 && !Mobile_Detect::getInstance()->isMobile()) { Url::redirect_url(str_replace('///', '/', WEB_ROOT_HTTPS . '/' . CGlobal::$request_uri), 302, 0); //redirect về https } if (Mobile_Detect::getInstance()->isMobile() && CGlobal::$request_uri =='/' && !_isHttps() && HTTPS_ENABLE == 1) { Url::redirect_url('https://m.enbac.com/o-to-xe-may-v5', 302, 0); } if (User::is_enbac_team() && (!defined('AJAX_ACTION') || !AJAX_ACTION)) { if (User::is_enbac_team() && (!defined('AJAX_ACTION') || !AJAX_ACTION) || _isPageRequireHttps()) { //Nếu là chủ nhà (admin) mà khong sài https thì bắt phải sài https if (!_isHttps() && HTTPS_ENABLE == 1) { Url::redirect_url(str_replace('///', '/', WEB_ROOT_HTTPS . '/' . CGlobal::$request_uri), 302, 0); } //if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])) } elseif (!User::is_enbac_team() && !_isPageRequireHttps() && (!defined('AJAX_ACTION') || !AJAX_ACTION)) { if (_isHttps()) { Url::redirect_url(str_replace('https://', 'http://', str_replace('///', '/', WEB_ROOT . '/' . CGlobal::$request_uri)), 301, 0); } } } if (isset($_GET['cka'])) { echo(__FILE__ . __LINE__); require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/enbac_redirect.php'; }